Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Its a.....Girl????!!!

yup. That is right people. A girl. A dramatic, indecisive, sweet, adorable, lovable, little girl. Looks like the ranks will be tied in the Hays' house! 2 to 2! She is due March 22 or 26...the doctors keep changing their minds. I am going with the 26 so if she decides to come sooner I will feel REALLY excited!

18 Weeks and counting....
(I hate preggo pics but I took them with Peter so I figure its only fair to do it will all my kids!)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our House

The view from the back deck. Houses here have some tiny windows!

Note the wine rack... Bryan has transformed it into his Gatorade storage!

The kitchen is my favorite thing about the house. For Pittsburgh, it is really big. They put in new tile for us and carpet throughout the house. Love it!
Oh yes, the green curtains! They left those up because they thought we would like them and I think they are so hideous. I had to leave them up long enough to get pictures.

Ta da! More posts to follow when I get around to taking pictures of the upstairs and the "Man Cave"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ah, clothes

I have a clothing fetish. I LOVE clothes, and yet it seems like I am always finding myself wearing the SAME 4 or 5 things. It drives me CRAZY! I am also slightly obsessive compulsive. My closet is color coded. Rainbow-style. Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, White, then stripes and patterns. And the Short sleeves go before the long sleeves in each color.
Part of my thinking was then I would know where everything was and I could easily find things. It worked great in AZ when closets were normal sized, but I still drove myself crazy because I didn't wear everything in my closet... (does anyone else do this???) Here my closet is a door, with the bar extending 3 feet back into a dark abyss and I can't see ANYTHING back there!
Here is my new plan.
I switched out my winter and summer clothes today and organized 31 shirts in order, even planning on my Sunday Dress. (The sad part is, I have way more than 31 winter tops. I will organize the rest if I can actually pull of my 'plan') I now have NO OPTION but to wear the next item in line. NO MATTER WHAT. If it rains, I will put on a coat, etc etc. I am going to wear EVERY item in my closet this winter. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog Thief!

Nicole G. already knows it, but she is my blog thief. Except she always beats me to the post so my blog will now look like hers! I think from now on any post I want to do should just be linked to her blog! We both seem to think that Pittsburgh is an interesting place.

Here are some things make NO sense:

*a 3 way stop sign on a 4 way intersection. WHY????!!!!

*Giant Eagle. That is the main grocery store here. And just like most businesses in Pittsburgh, the employees are mean or non-existent. I was at the store loading up on groceries. This was a HUGE trip. We had nothing in our house. I went to check out and there was 1 lane open. There are about 20 checkout lanes in this store. Its HUGE! There was about 17 people in front of me. What is Giant Eagle's solution? Open ALL the SELF-Checkout lanes. Fabulous. Now I have a cart overflowing with groceries, an 18 month old who is ready for a nap, and I get to scan and BAG my own groceries. I think my items purchased was somewhere around 72. My story gets better from here! The scanner is really touchy and if you don't bag you items quick enough after it goes down the belt you get a huge flashing red light and it shuts down until an attendant can come restart the system. This happens no less than 4 times while I am checking out. Now I am done scanning and am running down to the end of the belt to bag the remaining items... The poor guy behind me is very anxious to check out and starts scanning his items before mine are done. Now I have all of his groceries mixed up with mine and we both can't separate them fast enough so the flashing red light goes off again and the attendant has to come save me. AGAIN. After all of that I didn't even make it home with one bag! I think the dude behind me got some dinner rolls, Gerber graduate granola bars and my pork chops.

Sorry, that was a long one. Moving on...

*This poor, poor tree!

*This house I saw on a walk was decked out for Halloween, but of course had to have its own little Steelers Shrine

*The Blessing of the Beast. Yes, you heard me right. That is what they were calling it. We were on a walk and the pastor of some church was blessing dogs in the front yard. Like 12 dogs. Weird. I regret that I did not take a picture... They might have sent the dogs after me.

* I got yelled at by an 80 year old man in a parking lot earlier in the week for "parking in the spot next to him". He told me I was "SO STUPID!"

Which brings me to my next point of interest:

*It is not required to take drivers education before applying for you drivers license in the State of Pennsylvania. No wonder people drive like idiots here.

* They also have their own rules for a 4 way stop.

example: Person A: waves on person B, who clearly doesn't have the right-of-way.
Person C pulls up at the intersection: Waves on Person A and Person B, who OBVIOUSLY have the right to go before them.
Person A and B then both join in on waving on Person C and by this time there are 60 cars behind them and NOBODY seems to mind that they make their own rules up!

Except me.

*I still have Arizona plates. Therefore I am entitled to go by Arizona laws which include
-Making a Right on Red. (This is totally against the law in Pitt)
- Taking the appropriate turn at the stop sign
-Cutting people off when I miss the non-existent turn lane.

*This brings me to my final gripe about Pittsburgh Driving, for now anyway... They have 2 lanes, a stoplight in each lane, but for some bizarre reason, when you go through the intersection, its down to 1 lane and the previous left lane had this phantom unwritten marker to turn left. Wow. I am soooo glad I have Arizona plates.

I am suprised I haven't seen something like this yet!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Strong Bad

I know I am supposed to be a "grown up", but some things I just can't give up. Like this website... If you want to be entertained by extremely pointless, stupid, crap and you have about 2 extra minutes, click here: Dragon Email
If you like that and want another laugh, click here: The English Paper
I just can't resist and every time I start watching I get addicted and end up hanging out with Strong Bad and his emails for WAY to long!