Thursday, January 21, 2010

Military Academy Ball

Sounds fancy right? It really was! It is Haley's senior year at the academy and she has been wanting me to go every time, but for some reason or other I couldn't make it until this year. I had a ton of fun and I think Bryan might have enjoyed himself just a little. (but he won't tell you that to your face.) My Uncle J and his female friend came, as well as my parents, and little bro. There was a really fancy dinner, 3 course meal, some lame-o speeches, Haley got recognized for being a senior at the Air Force Academy and then my favorite- Dancing! (I love being at a non-lds dance. People actually dance! And I am sure the alcohol may have had something to do with it!)

Okay, I have to add the cheesiest part before I forget... This was at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Scottsdale, Az. So right after the opening prayer, the waiters all came out with trays and fancy white napkins over their arms and did some sort of choreographed march/exhibition with formations and lines and stuff to the song "Puttin on the Ritz". It was by far one of the cheeziest things I have EVER seen in my entire life. It made my night.

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