Thursday, February 10, 2011

Notice anything?

She is obsessed! EVERYTHING goes in her mouth.  All. The. Time.  I am just waiting for this phase to end.  Frankly, I don't see the light at the end of this tunnel.


Akina's said...

kala is EXACTLY the same!!! everything is in his mouth! it makes me crazy!!!! i feel like I need to vaccuum five times a day!!

Alexandria Rammell said...

parker is the same way! and he is almost 2!! Everytime I have someone watch him I worry the whole time that they really dont understand he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth and I worry he will chock with me not there. I hate it.

Tera said...

I can't give you much comfort because Autumn has been the same way since she was a wee little one. I still catch her with a pen or hair clip in her mouth.

NJ said...

Well that makes me feel better because Caleb does the same thing! I can't even say some of the things I've seen him taste - they are that embarrassing and gross. So I'm glad my child isn't the only one! :)

{kim} said...

Wow, I also noticed her hair is growing! So cite. And, thanks for the heads up. That means To will be doing that in a couple months. Ughhh.