Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bathroom Horrors

I seem to recall posting a couple months ago about my kids and toilets... But they have brought it to a whole new level. 

I will start with Peter.  He is potty trained and has been for about 8 months now.  I have to give him credit to the fact that he goes in by himself, can pull his pants on and off and get on and off the throne by himself.  The one thing he cannot do (because I have never even attempted to put the thought in his mind that he could) is wipe his bum after going #2.  

I feel like Peter is a pretty well behaved kid.  For the most part.  He tries to be considerate of his sister who is sleeping 2x a day and then nights... So he won't yell "MOM! Come help!" or anything of the sort.  When he is done doing his business, he whispers, "mom!!....Mom!!!...."  And NEVER gets any louder.  It is kind of nice, but most of the time it creates a slight problem.

He ends up sitting on the toilet (especially at night) for hours.  I kid you not!  I have put him to bed at 8:00 and go upstairs to go to bed at 10:30 or later and find him sitting on the toilet just chillin (sometimes not so chill...) waiting for me and his poor behind has those huge red indentations from sitting too long on a hollowed circle.  

The example that takes the cake:  
We left Peter at a friends house so Bryan and I could go out on a date.  I always warn whoever is watching him that he tends to do his business at night, so be prepared... My friend put him to bed at 8:00 and all was quiet in her house.  She came back upstairs about 2 hours later to find Peter ASLEEP, sitting up, on the toilet filled with ,ahem, #2 (for lack of a better word).  His arm was resting on the ledge of a little heater that came out of the wall and his head was propped up by his arm. (When I heard this it made my night. Classic!)

I would think by now he would learn to raise his voice a little so he could get some assistance...but I can't seem to get through to him that that is a good idea.

Story #2
She gets her own toilet stories.  She is obsessed with the toilet as well.  If I ever leave the bathroom door open I can almost guarantee I will find her there splashing around in the toilet.  She will be soaking wet with nasty toilet water down her shirt, pants and all over her face.  ( may involuntarily shutter now...)

The ULTIMATE is when I was (again, at a friends house) and she disappeared upstairs.  It was just too quiet so after a couple minutes I went to check on her.  I found her in the bathroom playing in the toilet with a wad of soggy toilet paper.  I honestly have no idea if she pulled it out of the toilet or found it elsewhere in the bathroom.  I hope I never know.
Here is the worst part: 
      She was sucking on it.


Ashley said...

yeah, definitely had the shutters....YUCK! I would die. Thankfully Makell has never shown that much interest in playing with the toilet.

still shuttering.....

{kim} said... That is hilarious! I love that story about peter. I could one-up you on the gross factor...Tobin had the toilet scrubber and I'm pretty sure he had it in his mouth.