Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brooke at 18 Months

Can you believe I have an 18 month old? (not to mention a 3 1/2 year old too!)

Thoughts on Brooke at this phase:

She hates having her teeth brushed.

She loves trains, especially Thomas and plays for hours with Peter at the train table.

She eats EVERYTHING.  I love having at least 1 child that eats food.  Her only quirk with food is that she doesn't eat bread very often.  If I make a sandwich she eats the meat, cheese, lettuce, pickles and tomatos and leaves the bread behind. (which could work, because peter only eats the bread and not the rest of the stuff.  picky little booger.)  Her favorite foods are pickles, tomatos and cheese.

She can speak her favorite foods quite clearly- though cheese is elongated to "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!"  every time she says it.

She refuses to say "dad".  don't misinterpret this.  She CAN say it.  She just won't.  And she thinks it is hilarious.  every time we point to Bryan and ask "who is this?"  She replies with a 'Mama!'  and just starts giggling.  She only says "dad" if Bryan is asleep on the couch and she wants him to wake up to play, and as soon as we acknowledge that she said it she shakes her head and changes it back to 'Mama'.

She still has a Binky for naps and bed, and i am okay with that.  We will get rid of it eventually, but she sleeps anywhere as long as she has it and I am not ready to give that up yet.  She calls it "Mee-Me".

She isn't afraid of getting dirty.

Actually, she isn't afraid of anything.  She will hurl herself headfirst down any slide at the park too.

Okay, that is a lie, she is afraid of the doctor's office.  It's almost embarrassing.  she just cries and makes herself hysterical when we walk in and doesn't stop until we leave.  sheesh!

She takes 1 nap a day now.  Usually 2-2.5 hours.  So does Peter.  I am glad because I need a nap too.

She doesn't really have 'girly' hair yet.  i got the 'mullet' cut 2 months ago, and it still doesn't quite look girly to me.  She refers to her hair as "pretty" and pats her head if I mention her hair!

Her sign language is pretty awesome.  She LOVES "Baby Signing Time" and can sign just about anything relative to her world.  Its cute. (Please, Thank you, Sorry, Boat, Dog, Airplane, food, Eat, drink, Milk, Juice, Cereal, Book, Cat, Car, Cracker, Sleep, More, ect...ect...)

Weight: 24 lbs 74% (I think this is a high estimate of percents though, I think is actually around the 55%)
Height: 31'' 90%
Head: Don't remember the number but it was the 90%.

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