Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lovin the weather!

Most of the time I am complaining about it.  But the past week has been amazing.  I can't get enough of being outside.  We have gone to the park, to the zoo, our Branch activity (where we spent the majority of it in the grass running around), numerous playgrounds, ice cream outings, and our Stake Softball tournament.  The weather is supposed to be just as good tomorrow so we are most likely going for a bike ride at Ohiopyle.  (more pictures to follow...I am positive!)
*Brooke's latest is to climb the kitchen table and chairs.  But she doesn't quite understand that she has to pull the chair out first.  She gets 'stuck' under the table and makes some awesome faces.
 Peter at the zoo.  Why does the 3 year old want the stroller and the 18 month old want to walk?
 The jaguar was right by the glass and Brooke was awestruck.

 Brooke signing "Fish" the entire time we were in the aquarium
 Peter did NOT like the ginormous fish in the tank.  Can you tell?
 But he was more than happy to visit the shark tunnel.
Decorating Pumpkins at the Branch

Last weekend of Page Dairy Mart before they close for the season!  I hate how the ice cream places are seasonal around here! (as if you need more reasons to dislike the winter!)

P.S. I love my kids!

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