Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Meaning of Easter
I know I mostly just post fun, silly stuff on my blog, but I am also using it as a kind of journal and I hope you all don't mind me getting a little more serious and personal with this post... I love Easter, but not because of the chocolate and bunnies and pastel colors. I love it because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, my saviour. General Conference was last Sunday and it gave me a chance to reflect on a lot of things in my life. I really enjoy getting to listen to the prophets speak and I was particularly moved by Jeffry R. Hollands talk on Sunday about "The Loneliest Journey ever Made". It was about our Savior Jesus Christ and his journey towards completing the Atonement and Resurrection. He recounted the last week in Jesus's life and how if we ever feel alone we should know that He has been more alone than we can ever feel and can heal us and that we won't be lonely because we can have the Holy Spirit with us. It was so comforting to me to be reminded of all Jesus went through, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday. I was moved to tears by remembering how Pilot asked the Jews who to release, Barabbas or Jesus and they picked Barabbas. Also how Judas betrayed Jesus and all that he was for 30 pieces of silver. Never in the history of the world as so little money purchased so much infamy. Also after the last supper Peter, James and John were told to wait while Jesus entered into Gethsemane and prayed to the Father for this cup to pass from him. When he returned from the prayer he found the disciples asleep. He asked, could you not watch with me for one hour? It happened 2 more times and then Jesus said compassionately, "take your rest', though there would be no rest for Jesus. Peter also denied Jesus 3 times. It amazes me how the ones that had been so close to him had trouble standing with him in his last hours off his life. Matthew "all the disciples left, and fled" So, I was thinking about all of this and was just reminded that Jesus has felt every sadness I have and will ever feel, as well as every joy I will and have ever felt. The atonement is such an awesome and incomprehensible thing that Jesus did for all of us. It humbles me and reminds me that I can't waste what he did for me and for all of us and I know that God will never fail us. All we need to do is remember Him and know that we can all be forgiven for are mistakes. I can continually work on becoming a better person each day. Jesus suffered so we don't have too! I know God lives and Jesus is the son of God. I just wanted to remind everyone of the importance of the Easter Season and I hope you all know you aren't alone and Jesus loves you and will never abandon you.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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