Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What happened to the rest of the week???

Sooo, Day 3-7 kinda passed me up...So here is a rundown of the last few days...

Day 3- Wednesday- Bryan's Birthday!!!

For lunch we had a potluck at Dr. Day's office. It was fun because Sarah brought Jaiden and MaryAnne brought Preston. The boys were so cute and Peter just sat there and looked at Jaiden like he was crazy because he was rolling around everywhere (Peter doesn't roll, he just sits and is content. Jaiden, on the other hand, doesn't like to sit, he just rolls until he gets where he wants to go- he is like a slinky :) )

Here's Preston!

Jaiden and Peter

What up dogg?

Later we went out for Dinner at Beaver Street Brewery. It's Bryan's favorite. Talan had fun climbing around the booth, while Peter hung onto Bryan and Tatum slept...Good times! (And may I mention that clumsy me shattered my water glass all over the floor about 10 min into dinner...)

Let the fun begin!

Or not. Just let the poor kid sleep!

Day 4... Thursday.
Nothing of note to report. Just another Boring day of scraping teeth. Well, actually no, it was quite stressful. I saw some crazy people in the office, one broke down to tears when she first came in, and another came in and discussed the appropriate weight to gain when pregnant... which by the way is "15 lbs"... what a crazy idiot. He is nuts. I informed him I gained way more than that when I was preggo, and he just shrugged and proceeded to tell me that at least it was good I wasn't lazy and had worked it all off, or most of it anyway!!! How rude can you get to comment on a stranger's weight??? We are sensitive females with too many hormones running through us to deal with a jerk like that.
And just to add something else to all of you... We KNOW when you don't floss... so don't even lie. When I start pulling out last nights meal (Me: "Excuse me sir, did you eat chicken and apples last night???" Patient: "No, we had chicken sometime last week") from between your teeth it becomes pretty obvious to me, and it gets really annoying that you try to get away with it. Just fess up! Yuck!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 2 Tuesday, November 18

Today, Bryan gets up really, really ridiculously early and plays basketball. I don't see him much, so Pete and I are on our own. Luckily, I don't work at the Dental office on Tuesday's.

So I went running today and took the camera with me. Peter stays at home and Abby (my mom's funny name for Grandma) watches him while he takes a morning nap...

Jack is my running buddy, he goes every day with me and keeps me going. This dog will easily run 5+ miles without tiring. It is ridiculous!

This is where I run every day. I am not sure how far it is, I think it is somewhere around 3.5 miles, maybe 4... Isn't Flagstaff beautiful?

More Pictures of the trail...

The hill at the end of my run. It really sucks and goes on forever!!!

See what I mean? It is still going, and going...

After running, I headed off to Winslow to teach dance at Stars. Here are some pics from class.

My dancers working hard on pointe, Get on that box!!!

Skylar, showing off her nice feet!

Lindsay, also showing off her develloppe, which is getting better!

Peter slept a ton today. As you can see here, it was 10:45 and he was sooo awake! He was just playing and happy, and we were tired and really wanted to go to bed. Peter had a fun day, He got to take his 6 month pictures today, and go visit his Nana in Winslow, and take about 5 naps... I hope we sleep tonight!

Day1... Monday, November 17

Getting up is fun to do :) At least it wasn't that cold outside.

But Peter is always happy. Here he is dressed and ready to go to Tera's house while I go to work...

Sorry, no pictures of work. I left the camera in the car because I was running late (what else is new???)

After work, I picked up Peter, had yummy leftovers and we went to Sam's Club. Bryan was not into the whole picture taking thing.

I love this place, but it seems like I can't ever leave without spending $100 at least...

If Bryan went by himself, he would have spent more than $100.... He really wants this game... I told him maybe for Christmas, but I wonder if that means he wants the PS3 that goes with it so the game will actually work???

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A week in the life...A documentary with commentary by the author

or something like that.

I decided it would be fun to take pictures everywhere I go this week and of everything our family does. It will probably be really boring, but when I look back on it in a couple years I might find it remotely entertaining :) So, I think I will start tomorrow. (I bet my work will love it when I show up with a camera...) Look for fun and excitement coming soon!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Plan.... and other random pictures

Well, here is Peter, the result of step 3 of the The Plan... (to read about the plan, scroll down :) )

He is such a sleepy thing.... unless its time for mom and dad to sleep, then it is play time!!!

This is Brooklynn. It is her second year dancing with me and her developpe is just awesome right?! (She is somewhere around sixish years old...)

Peter the lion- Roar!!!! Its too bad he didn't get to wear his costume on Halloween, we were in Tucson and it was 90 degrees outside so he just wore his diaper all day long!

Jack loves Peter, he growls when anyone he doesn't like gets near him, cute huh? He is a good 'big brother'. Jack also ate an entire bag of Hershey Kisses last night- wrappers and all. I am suprised he is still alive today. He didn't even throw it up. Yuck. Dogs are so gross. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I got him. Oh ya I remember, it was the "plan"-
1. Buy a plant, keep it alive and if I could keep it alive for a year proceed to step 2
2. Get a dog. If it is still alive after a year, proceed to step 3
3. Have a kid... really??? Well, there is no option as to keeping this one alive or not, so there isn't a step 4. Maybe I should add one...
4. After a year, take a vacation from the plant, the dog and the kid

These are from Bryan's trip to Wisconsin, it was a quick trip, and he only took a few pictures. This is Marquette University and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Here is where the dental school is, if you couldn't tell by the sign.