Sunday, December 28, 2008

Three strikes your out? Or Five...

Bryan and I decided last night to go out for dinner. We really wanted Olive Garden. We got to the restaurant and there was no parking anywhere because of the snow, and maybe also because everyone didn't want to cook because it was the day after Christmas. Strike one. So, after much discussion, we decided to go to Quizno's. Strike 2. The power was off in the whole building. I was sad, but we pressed on... We drove to Crystal Creek (a really good sandwich shop) and upon arrival we noticed the note on the door saying: Closed at 5:00 today. It was 6:30. Strike 3.
You might think we would give up and go home, but no, we were to stupid. Or hungry. So we decided to go to Stromboli's. We actually got parking and I went inside to see what the wait was. I was ignored by everyone in the place for about over 5 minutes, so I got mad and left. Strike 4. We decided on Dell Taco, because for sure they wouldn't be too good to serve us some food! We pulled up and lo and behold, there was no friggin parking... So we had to settle on the drive through. Pathetic. I guess the moral of the story is, the drive through at Dell Taco ROCKS!!!

1 comment:

{kim} said...

That's funny. You guys are really perserverant. I love Dell Taco!