Monday, June 7, 2010

Narration by Peter

Peter likes to talk. Alot. He pretty much never shuts up. I am not sure if this is because I like to talk. Alot. I pretty much never shut up either. He always narrates EVERYTHING he does during the day. Especially if he is in the car or in the stroller.
"White Car.....Stop sign.....semi truck.....BIG truck......River....Bridge.....Playground.....rediculous....."

Okay, time out of the narration... I guess I narrate too. Kind of. I comment to myself on everyone else's driving and in Pittsburgh the most frequent words leaving my mouth is "that's ridiculous" Apparently, Peter was listening.

If we are in the stroller its the same thing. Only its, "I hear birds.....I hear plane....I hear 'copter [helicopter]....I see birds....I see chipmunk...I hear ami [ambulance]...."

You get the picture.

The poor kid has been sick the majority of our trip back to Arizona. It started in C. Springs with a 102 degree fever for 3 days...then followed with the cold from hell. Seriously. And of course, he gave it to me. And to Brooke. So I sound like death when I try to talk. And that is hard for me because I love to talk.

Anyway. His latest phrase (being sick he says this ALOT) is "Hold you- Please."
Too cute... well, I thought it was for about 3 days. Now my arms are really sore from lugging a 2 year old around. I am trying to teach him the correct way to say it- Now he says "I wanna hold me".
It makes me laugh every time.

Tonight I asked him where his tummy was. He looked down at his pajamas and said "Under my monkey jammies!" [duh mom!]

Being in Arizona is different for Peter. Every time he sees a wide open space he automatically says "RIVER!".
um...nope. Sorry kid. That's a 'freeway'. You of those things where cars can drive 75-85 miles per hour in a straight line for hours... Oh, wait. You don't know that. Because it doesn't exist in PA. oopsie.

1 comment:

Helena said...

I love Peter's narration! What a cute little guy.