Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Four Months Peter!

Peter had his four month check up yesterday. Bryan and I are proud to announce that he weighs a whopping 15lbs and is only 23 3/4 inches long. He is a short fat little thing, but I think we will still keep him. He had to get shots too :( It is so sad to watch them poke him, I know its better than getting polio or something but I hate that it makes him cry and gives him a fever the next day. He has been really sleepy today, maybe he is growing longer... Lets hope so or else we are going to have a jockey or swimmer on our hands because he won't be tall enough to do anything else ;) Oh yes, I am also pleased to report the exciting news that Peter is now wearing bigger diapers than Tatum, so maybe there is hope that she might be smaller than him!


Ashley said...

Congrats on Peter you guys!! He is so cute, looks just like his daddy. This is Ashley by the way... I found your blog from Dennis and Cori's page. Here is mine if you wanna check it out. It would be great to hear from you.

Mama J said...

YAY!!! I'm glad you found me. I got home to look yours up and my prgnancy brain made me forget your last name! I will FOR sure let you know when i go to the park again, or anything else fun!