Saturday, August 20, 2011

August so far

We have been busy.  That is for sure.  Bryan and I had the opportunity to ditch the kids for an afternoon and go on a date.  It was so great to be out with him.  We went kayaking along the Yougiogehny (pronounced Yauk-a-gain-ee if you were wondering) River.  We had seen this shop along the bike trail and talked about doing it 'someday'.  I was very pleased that 'someday' actually happened!  I didn't get any pictures because I was afraid of dumping over in the kayak and ruining the camera.  So it stayed safely tucked away in the car.  It was a fabulous time.  There was not a soul on the river and we paddled about 5 miles or so total.  I even have a slight sunburn to prove it.

As a family we have been outside a ton! I LOVE being outside.  The kids (finally!)  have bikes.  They are loving them!

Last Saturday we took a boat ride on a big ferry along the river downtown.  It was kind of lame, but Peter and Brooke enjoyed it.
(notice her trying to EAT the balloon???)

As if that isn't enough activity!  We went to "members night" at the Zoo last Thursday with the Rivard's.  Food for a dollar, great weather and letting Peter and Brooke run around until all they wanted was sleep.  It doesn't get much better! (The only disapointment was the train ride.  We stood in line for 30 minutes and they told us it had broken down.  So we got out of line only to have the stupid thing show up.  We got back in line and were not as far up as we were before so we were first people cut off to get on the train because it was full.  Sad.  The kids were bummed.)

In "Brooke" news, I finally consented to cut off the 'mullet'.  She has a cute little bob now and looks a ton better.  I really should have done it sooner.  I was just afraid to cut the length for fear that her hair would always end up being short or something.
Here is what I like to call "Dinosaur Hair"  (pre-hair cut)

Finally, a preggo picture.  Here I am at 18 weeks.


{kim} said...

Yay for bikes! You look so cute, as always.

Ironygirl said...

I finally cut off Elena's mullet too and she looks darling. I don't know why I waited either. Now at least it will be (mostly) the same length as it gets longer. Because she will have long princess hair. She will!

Melissa said...

What! I didn't know you were prego again! Congrats! What cute kids you got over there:)