Friday, September 24, 2010

Who wants to join me?

Its that time of year again. No, its not what you are thinking. I know its autumn... But it is my annual "Clothing Challenge" (for lack of a better title).

What am I talking about you ask?
Here is the deal: I love clothes. My dad call it a sickness. I call it good clean fun. I don't know about you, but I am always wanting new clothes. And I find myself wearing the same 8-10 items all the time. I counted how many tops were hanging in my closet today. 51. Not joking. There is NO way I have even wore them all this summer. And that is not including what was on my body and in the wash.
That, my friends, is a problem. So here is the challenge, (I am doing can too)
1. Take a look at your closet. Count the shirts. You can do it. Then go back and donate/sell (whatever you prefer) anything that you have not worn this summer.
2. Then, organize the rest of them in any order you prefer.
3. Now, here is the tough part. Wear them. All of them. You are allowed to switch the order if the weather doesn't correspond with the shirt.

*Here is the clincher: If you try on a shirt and for whatever reason ("I look fat", "I don't feel like wearing this color", "I wish it was looser in a certain area"...whatever...) You MUST get rid of the shirt.

Anyone willing to try it with me? The challenge starts Sunday and goes through Oct. 31. I will update every Friday. Feel free to leave a comment about how it is going for you. Good luck!


Tera said...

Here is the deal, you let me wear YOUR hott clothes for the month and I am in. Otherwise I only have 3 cute shirts, maybe 5.d

{kim} said...

Oh, I should totally do that! Maybe I will...

Helena said...

No way. But I love it when you do this!