Thursday, October 14, 2010

Brooke gets teeth. But the wrong ones.

Hi! I'm Brooke.  This is normal.  6 months.  Lower Central Insicors

This. Is. Not. Normal.  And I have a tooth to match on the other side!  Don't worry, mommy has a great Halloween costume for me!

Other Thoughts:
Everyone keeps telling me they will grow up fast. Sometimes I don't believe them. And sometimes I look back and can't believe how fast time really does pass. I know I will probably forget things too. My parents do. (love you mom!) But I really enjoy Peter and Brookie being little. They are so much fun. Bedtime is always a good time at our house. Mostly because they are going to bed. Just kidding. But I want to remember the things Peter and Brooke do that just melt my heart. Or make me laugh. Or stress me out. :)Here are a few things:

Bedtime stories with daddy. (Look! Brooke is finally sitting!)

Peter loves his sister.

And she loves him! She won't pay attention to anything else if he is in the room.
I love her baby fine hair. And the Mohawks I give kids after bath time.

Because someday they won't let me touch them. Let alone their hair.

Next: Peter Gets a Big Boy Bed.
The story:  No big deal.  We gave the crib to Brooke and told Peter if he got out of his bed he would have to sleep in the pack n play.  It took 1 nap in the PackNPlay and he has been an angel ever since.  The problem is now getting him out of bed.

I asked Bryan to go check on him because he was taking a REALLY long nap.  After disappearing for almost 30 min, I came upstairs and found him like this...

 Random Pictures I like...

Peter also has problems saying things with the letter 'S' if it is next to a consonant at the beginning of a word.

For example:
He loves going to Costco because he gets a 'piley' face drawn on the receipt on the way out.

He also was running around the house today saying "Don't pank me!" (I don't know what he was talking about...)

He always asks for me to "quish" his peanut butter into the jelly when I make him a sandwich.

He also loves to read the "criptures".

And when I tell him he is goofy he says, "No I'm not! I'm a boy!"

Peter is ALWAYS trying to give her a hug!

He woke up at 6:00 am this morning. I went in and told him it was too early to wake up. He got back in bed and I told him he could get up when the sun came out. He went back to sleep until 9.

Final thought:
We are working on potty training. No success yet. But someday I will figure it out.


Akina's said...

oh my goodness they are just so cute! my niece says kalamaku is "sniling" at her oh the things kids can't say

Helena said...

I love Brooke's fangs. And reading these little stories makes me so happy.

Thompson Family said...

So cute! Let me know when you figure out the potty training, we need some help over here:) Oh and Jackson does the same thing- anytime I tell him he is funny or cute or whatever he says, "no, Jackson boy". They are so funny at this age!