Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pittsburgh- A do, don't and done list for Autumn

Do pay a visit to the Parks here.  Schenly is the best for running with a stroller.  Frick is the prettiest and best for biking. 
Do go to Mount Washington- at night.  The view is awesome.
Do check out the libraries.  They rock.  You can actually get books that you want to read!
Do go for a drive outside of the 'burgh to check out the fall foliage.  Ohiopyle is incredible right now.
Do get used to all the crazy Steelers fans.  It is not abnormal to see a yellow and black hand painted car.  Or house.  Or dog.  (Maybe that one would be a little weird...but not mind blowing with these weirdos around) 

Don't worry about the speed limit.  It really doesn't matter here. 
Don't ever buy a low rider.  2 words- Pot Holes.
Don't ever think it is too early to put out your Halloween decorations.  Or too late to take them down.
Don't miss the guy's house down the street from me- he goes all out for Halloween.  Last year he grew a corn field in his front yard, just for Dia de los Muertos!
Don't miss the Perogies running the field at PNC park during the 7th inning stretch.  Its pretty great.
Don't expect customer service.  ANYWHERE.
Don't forget that Page Dairy Mart and other fabulous ice cream shops will re-open in the Spring.

I am SOOOO done with the cloudy days.
I am done with the stink bugs.
I am done with road construction.
I am done decorating Brooke's room! (finally!)
I am done with loosing my way around this crazy town.  I can now get everywhere most places without a GPS.


Kate said...

Jamie you crack me up!

Helena said...

YES. This list is excellent. Go Jamie!