Wednesday, October 6, 2010

If Tobin is a (C)hunk, then Brooke is Phat

6 month stats:
26.3 inches long (60%)
18 1/2 lbs (75%)
Head circumference...not even going to say.  But its in the 95%.  I have smart kids.  What can I say?


{kim} said...

Holy Cow (no pun intended)! She really is huge, but sooooo cute! How do you still swaddle her?? I feel like Tobin is already too big for that blanket you got him.

Kimi said...

Haha! If Brooke is "Phat"... then what does that make Trey?? :) I can't believe Brooke is 18 in and Trey is 28 in! Trey is almost a foot taller! I guess that could explain some of the extra weight... :)

Kate said...

Jamie- Cambree is one today and she is only 17lbs 11oz!! I miss having a PHAT baby- Mallori was 18lbs at 6 months too! (Not sure what I did wrong with Cambree!) I love Brooke's rolls!