Monday, February 6, 2012


Wow.  Its been a crazy month.  Adjusting to three kids hasn't been that hard for me.  Recovering from a C-Section has.  I did not anticipate how slow and painful recovery would be.  I am happy to say that I am finally feeling back to my old self.  Mostly.  I am still moving a little slow.  But I am hanging in there.  I am SO grateful for my mom and mother-in-law coming out here to help out.  Boy did I need it.  I was pretty miserable for a couple weeks.  Thanks for putting up with me.  
Brooke is LOVING her new little brother.  Peter could really care less.  He acknowledges him and says hi, but really isn't interested.  They are adjusting well to having a new sibling.  Heath is an awesome baby.  He eats, sleeps and poops....just like newborns are supposed to do.  He is the NOISIEST little guy though.  While he eats he is grunting.  When he sleeps he is grunting or cooing or sighing.  When he poops he is grunting!  I have GOT to move him out of my room.  Tonight I think he is going to move in with Peter.  I can't sleep with all the noise!  I hope Heath stays as 'chill' as he is now, because he is so easy. 

Things of note this month:
1.  The kids have locked the doors upstairs either to the bathroom or my bedroom multiple times.  And they aren't easy to unlock.  I (or Bryan) has to take the entire handle off to get the door open.

2. Brooke is obsessed with juice. 

3. Peter is obsessed with the television.  Its driving me nuts.

4. Bryan is obsessed with his new PS3 games. (which is also driving me nuts!)

5. I am obsessed with sleeping.  (which is probably driving Bryan nuts!)

6.  Soup is my new found favorite food.  I can't get enough.

7. It has been such a mild winter.  I might get through it without going crazy.

8. I am so behind with everything I feel like I may never catch up.  But I am finally motivated to start trying!

1 comment:

Kimi said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. Your list sounds a lot like mine... Trey is obsessed with juice, can't get him to drink anything else. And he is also obsessed with the TV lately. All he does all day is bring me the remote. Am I that boring!? And I am also obsessed with sleeping, today is the first day I am not dying to take a nap!! Here's to hoping this next month is a little better for the both of us! (I feel like it's been forever since I've done anything... I NEED to get out of the house!)