Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Naked and proud

I went to the mall with my mom to do some serious shopping at one of my favorite stores (I love Buckle!).  I took the kids and let me just say we had some serious fun. 
The best part of this store (in case you haven't been) is that the girls that work there revel in putting together fun outfits for you to try on, so if you get stuck in a rut, they can seriously help your wardrobe! 
Anyway, my mom and I were taking turns trying on clothes and watching the kiddos.  We had a slight lack of communication and the kids disappeared for a a short bit.  I came out of the fitting room and asked my mom, "uh, where are they?"  We combed the store and found them in the hand-i-capped room at the back of the store with about 20 different tops from random racks strewn all over the floor.
 And here is the best part- Brooke came out of the fitting room butt naked and was streaking across the store as fast as she could dragging a shirt she wanted to 'try on'.... 
I about died.  Of laughter.  I had to hunt down her diaper that was buried in about 4 feet of clothing and talk her into putting it back on.  Then she proceeded to put on a purple camisole and demanded her pink sunglasses to complete the look.

Ah.  I love my kids.  It was an unforgettable trip to the mall. 

P.S. I have an awesome picture I will post when I get back to my computer next week!

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