Tuesday, November 23, 2010

8 Thoughts and Thanks

First: Brooke is 8 months old!
Second: Brooke also has 8 teeth!
(pictures to come soon- I promise.)

8 Misguided Thoughts

1. Star Trek  is cool.  (I was informed the other night that it isn't.  Who would have thought?!)

2. "Tumped" is not a real word.  My mom always used it.  So it must be real. right?
      ex.  That bucket tumped over and now there is water all over the floor.

3. No one knows what fantasy football is.  Wrong.  Its just me.  Apparently its very popular.  I just didn't
    grow up in a house with people that played.

4. Mice can jump over baseboards while stuck in a mouse trap. (see the previous post)

5. Cigarette smoke can be removed from wood furniture with fabreeze.

6. Bryan doesn't really care what I make for dinner.  (what he really  means is he doesn't care as long as it is one of the 5 meals that he actually likes, so don't experiment.)

7. My kid will never do ____ (fill in the blank with whatever).  The sad truth is, yes he will.  And I am learning the hard way.

8.  Zucchini and applesauce make a good substitution for butter and oil in brownies.
     uhm. not exactly.  I found that one out the hard way too.

8 Things I Am Thankful For (in no particular order)

1. (a)  I am very grateful for cell phones and skype.  I love that I can talk to my mom or anybody in my family anytime I want.  Which brings me to:
     (b) I am SOOO glad daylight savings has ended.  Now it is only a 2 hour time difference instead of 3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

2. Bryan.  He is the best part of my day.  Every day. I love that he comes home to me.  I feel so lucky and glad that he is willing to put up with me. (for 6 years! wow.)

3. My health.  I am trying to be more grateful for this.  I am so lucky that I can get up everyday and feel good.  I have 2 legs to get me down my stairs.  My arms are strong enough to lift 2 kids 24/7.  My eyes work (with the help of glasses) and I can hear the sound of my kids playing because my ears can hear.

4. A washing machine and dryer. In my house.  I don't know what I would do with out these!  Especially with how often Brooke seems to be having diaper explosions.  Ew.  I guess that makes me thankful for Bleach too.  Our bathtub sees a lot of Clorox bleach lately.  Thanks Brooke for ensuring that I clean the tub 2x week.

5.  My kids.  They are so fun.  They bring me more joy than I could have ever imagined. And, I have something to learn from them each day.  They are currently teaching me patience, and how to watch what I say.  Did I mention patience?

6. The change in the seasons.  I am appreciating the transition to winter this year.  Well, working on appreciating it anyway.  I am so thankful for the beauty of the earth.  Each season brings change and I am learning how needed change is in life.  I love the leaves in the fall.  I love the warmth of summer.  I love the blossoms and new life of spring.  And I love the looking forward to spring as soon as it snows. I mean, I love snow, only because I have cute boots to wear because I can someday move back home and go snowboarding on a real mountain.  Never mind.  I give up.

7.  My Saviour, Jesus Christ.  It is hard for me to comprehend what he really went through for all of us.  I can't imagine actually taking the sins of the world upon myself....I know I could never do it.  So I am so glad that he loves me enough to have done that.  I am forever in his debt.  Hopefully I can live the kind of life worthy of being in His presence again so I can thank Him in person for this wonderful, eternal gift He has given me.

8.  Finally, extra curricular activities.  This encompasses a large amount of things.  I would have to say, friends, both here in Pitt and in AZ and all around the country.  Actually, now that I am sitting here thinking about it, my friends are literally all around the world right now.  Thank you for being a friend to me.
  This also includes date nights, girls nights, and going running with a great friend with 2 strollers and 3 (sometimes 4) kids.  Thanks to all these things I am still (somewhat) sane and have come to really enjoy being in Pennsylvania. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I hope everyone enjoys their feast on Thursday.  I know I will!

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