Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

   October was such a busy month.  I can't believe how much we did.  And how fast it flew by. (I guess that's what happens when you have a broomstick. he he he)  I put some pictures in the previous post.  I got to be a witch. (Bryan says "what else is new")  But it was fun to be Hermione from Harry Potter.  I even found an awesome stick in my front yard for a wand.  I hosted a book club meeting for the first time.  That was awesome.  I think making the food was the highlight for me!  I did a good vs. evil theme and had black and white food.  A friend gave me an idea to make a goblin cheese ball.  It was awesome.  And tasty.  Bryan and I dragged the kids to DC for a temple trip with Adam and Jessica.  It was great to finally get to go!  I can't believe how hard it is to get there! I was so spoiled in AZ and didn't even know it.  If you live within 2 hours from the temple, with family around...GO! I should have gone way more.  Anyway.  We swapped kids while one couple went.  It was a great time.  And it was Jessica's birthday so we stayed up WAY to late playing games. (3:00 am anyone???)
  The last week of October was jam packed with Halloween and a visit from my parents.  It was sooo nice to see them.  Peter was stoked.  He couldn't wait to pick them up from the airport.  We hung around the house.  We did some shopping, trunk-or-treating, and er, Sunday driving. We took a visit to Simmons Farm to check out the scenery, pick some apples and pumpkins and check out the petting zoo.  It was so sad to see them go.  I can't wait for them to come back again.  It really bums me out that family isn't here or close enough to see all of Peter and Brooke's small accomplishments and changes!
   As far as the kids go, they are growing and entertaining, and a lot of work.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Brooke is getting closer to crawling, but not quite there.  Her first word was Dada.  Followed shortly is Mamma.  (I am so proud!!!)  Peter was hilarious.  Every time she would say Da da, he would get up in her face and say "Dad isn't even here! Brookie, say MOM!"  The best part of this month might just be changes in Brooke's sleeping patterns.  This last week she has decided on an 8:00 bedtime.  An 11:00 feeding, and then to sleep until 8:30 am.  I hope it keeps up.  I haven't felt this rested since, well, before I was pregnant with her!  Geez.  That is a long time to take to finally be caught up on sleep.  I am finally functioning without an afternoon nap.  Its about time.
Here are more pictures from all the happenings of the month.  Warning! Slight picture overload!

***This picture was taken by Gage, who is 5. nice job huh?

***Yes, this picture is random.  I just wanted to capture the fall colors.  The compact cars were just in the way.

Goblin Cheese Ball

Brooke's first apple.  She loved it.


Ironygirl said...

Your kids are so cute! I love Brooke's sweater in the picture with your mom. It is darling.

Tera said...

I love Peter's comment. "Brookie Daddy is not here, say mom!" Autumn says that to Bruce all the time.

Kisha Atkin said...

Gotta love when you can finally get sleep again! I am not sure I am ready for that aspect of a new baby (sleep deprivation!). Peter sounds like he has developed such a hysterical personality. Cute kiddos.