Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wish List

I figure, why not?
Brooke..uh, doesn't have a list.  But she is developing an obsession for shoes.  No, really!  If there is a pair of shoes in the room, on or off of someones feet, she WILL find them.  And put them in her mouth.

Peters list includes, but is not limited to-
this multiplied by many other Really Useful Engines.
Made out of wood.  Not metal.
***Any ideas where to find this cheaper?  I can't believe how much Tidmouth Sheds cost! 

Jamie wants:

CHI...ah.  something finally invented to tame my hair!

(These are the cutest cake platters.  They are from Crate and Barrel, which in my opinion can do no wrong when designing anything that goes in the kitchen)
and finally, the most exciting thing on my list....drum roll please....

Bryan wants: who knows??? He is nearly impossible to shop for.  On a budget anyway.  His list is truly a wish list! 
to pull one of these:
and we can't forget this-
(I think we have to own them first to RENEW them!)

Which in the end means he needs to add one tiny thing to his list-



Alexandria Rammell said...

I have a chi you can have if your hubby is handy and can fix the switch. u can look at it if you want. i have 2. because this one is glitchy and will not turn on sometimes because the switch gets stuck.

Jamie said...

wow. merry christmas me! Thanks!

Kimi said...

If Bryan can't fix it, there is a place you can send the chi to for like 35 bucks to have them fix it. If they can't fix it, they will send you a new one. It took like a month for me to finally get mine back, but they sent me a brand new one so it was worth it!

{kim} said...

I can't believe you don't have a chi yet! They are the bomb! And, your crock pot is really cool too. I am hoping that Bryan gets some of those things on his wish list.