Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Abby comes for a visit!

My mom came out last week from Arizona.  It was so much fun to have her here.  I wish she lived closer so she could come over all the time!  It was one big party from start to finish.
She flew into town on a Thursday morning, and that night we had  a going away party for the fourth year dental students.  The next day was Peter's birthday.
At the Fire Station

At the bowling alley
   Then we took a day trip on Saturday to Ohio to see a couple historical places from our Church's history.
Newl K. Whitney's Home

Kirtland Temple

just chillin' while Abby texts her kids back home!

We topped that off with a 'sight detour' to a fabulous ice cream shop for what may be the best ice cream in Pittsburgh and possibly the state of Pennsylvania.  Sunday after church we decided to show my mom the city the best way possible- on a bike.  It was so fun!  We rode from Carson St. to Heinz Field. 

(notice who's bike is hooked up to the kids??? In B's defense, he did take them on the return trip)

(gotta love how little kids can sleep anywhere!)
Monday was my mom's birthday and I am sad to say that I didn't get any pictures of it!  I hope she had a good birthday.  We went running, and then shopping for the majority of the day.  We also went out to dinner and took another 'slight detour' to Sarris Ice Cream for her birthday treat.
(I didn't make her a cake, and feel bad about it, but we had so much cake left over between Peter's birthday party and the baby shower I threw that I thought it would just go bad).  The next day we started a painting project in Peter's room.  Holy cow.  I had no idea it would be as complicated as it was.  I really wanted an argyle wall.  To figure out the measurements and get all the diamonds even and a good size is very challenging.  I still only 90% done so you don't get to see the finished project yet.  It took us over 4 hours of measuring and penciling (and I am not counting the time it took to tape the wall) in our pattern and only a little over 2 hours to actually paint.
It was so wonderful to have her company for the week.  We all loved it and can't wait for her to come back.
P.S.  Any other family members or friends... We love it when you come to visit.  So get your booty on a plane and come see us!  What could be cooler than Pittsburgh?!

1 comment:

{larissa} said...

sounds like your mom had fun in Pittsburgh!!! speaking of which, do you want to go to Kennywood with us? Kennywood is the bomb. We'll be in the area from Jun 13-23--you and Bryan should come with us!!