Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Part II of our Summer excursion.
I left Bryan in Arizona to bake in the dry heat so I could go sweat in the humidity!  It was awesome.  Every bit as good as I imagined Florida could be.  Our little party consisted of my parents, my sister Cori, me and Brooke.  My other little sister Haley is stationed in Panama City so we figured that we could surprise her with a visit.  She had NO idea that Cori and I were coming.  It was so fun!  She was graduating from her training and earned her "wings".  I got to attend a fancy smancy Air Force catered dinner party, with pretty awesome food and company.  I even left Brooke with a baby sitter.  That was a first for me.  Well, not that I have never left her, but I left her with someone I didn't know.  Kind of scary.  Haley had some friends from church she said could be trusted (some young women- the Bishop's daughter).  I figured I could trust them from Haley's recommendation, and they were awesome, but it was still a little weird to be in uncharted territory. 
   We went to Haley's graduation the next day.  The ceremony was short and sweet. (Thank goodness.  I hate graduations)  I was also Cori's 21st birthday so we had to party it up all day!  Lounging by the pool and a nice Italian Restaurant for dinner topped off by an ice cream cake back at Haley's place.  I hope she had a great day.  I felt so old when my little sisters went out dancing that night and I felt I had to stay home because I was married, had kids, and my hubby wasn't with me.  I was a little bummed, but the bigger part of me was just excited to go to bed early.  I am so lame.
  Haley gave us a special treat the next day by getting us military clearance for a flight simulation.  It was fun.  I kind of suck at flying an airplane.  But it was my first time.  I have to admit that I really don't think I am cut out to be a pilot and she can go have all the fun in the planes.  We also went to Mexico Beach and Panama City Beach.  I love the white sand the the gorgeous color of the water!
  We also went to Shipwreck Island- a water park next to the beach.  It was a blast, Brooke even went down a couple of the big slides with me!  Having a baby at a water park was a challenge.  I was so happy to have all the help from my family.  Brooke is fearless when it comes to the water.  And the sand.  She was dipping her graham crackers in the sand at the beach for some extra texture.  Sick.  And in the water she doesn't want to be held.  She wants to do it herself.  I can't believe how independent she thinks she is.
  There were a couple down sides to our trip.
a) Cori had to fly home 3 days before us because she had to work.
b) Haley had to fly out the day before we did because she had to go to survival training in the wild woods of    Washington state.  (I am sooo glad I am not in the air force).  So we stayed at her place with out her.
c) The airplane ride.  Flying with Brooke is not fun.  She is miserable to travel with.  (you know, that whole independent thing) To top that off our flight home was delayed 2 hours.  Then we sat on the runway for an hour before taking off.  We had a 3 hour lay over in Atlanta.  Followed by us sitting on the runway for another hour and a half because there were over 25 planes in front of us for take off.  It was a very long day.

Brooke was LOVING Haley's cat.  The cat didn't feel the same.

entertaining the Brookie Monster at the airport

Haley getting her Wings

yea sisters!

Sister's are the best!

got sand?

Mmmm.  Sand in my mouth tastes good!?

I am Brookie the destroyer.  I have come to get into as much trouble as possible.

nice tan lines.

The one and only time I got Brooke to sit still.  Possibly for the entire trip.

I do love my family and it was a blast to get to spend so much time with them.  I wish Bryan would have come.  It was strange to be away from Peter for that long.  (10 days!)
* Sadly all these pictures are all taken with my point and shoot because I didn't have any batteries in my Nikon.

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