Monday, July 11, 2011


Its almost been a month since I blogged.  That would have been such a tragedy!
To avert the crisis I suppose I will have to post something.
I have a good excuse for not blogging in a while.  We went to Arizona, followed it up with a slight detour to Florida, then hopped on a plane to come back to the 'burgh, only to leave the following day to go to New York to see Niagara Falls and the historical church sites that are around Palmyra.  To top all that off, when we got back I found myself faced with a slightly self imposed deadline to start publishing my blog into a physical book for my children's children to look back on and wonder how in the world their ancestors were so cool.  I bought a Groupon for "Blurb" a couple months ago and remembered that it expired (today!) about a week ago.  So I have been slaving away at my computer making "Year 2008" into a permanent record.  Whew.  It was exhausting and I just finished it about an hour ago.   I am such a procrastinator.  Too bad I only have 3 more years of blogging to put in a book.  I might just do 1 a year and stay 3 years behind for a while.  That sounds good to me.
I am going to have a big, big post later with some of the 400 hundred pictures that I have taken in the last month.  You can look forward to it with lots of anticipation.  Its going to be cool.  (Well, for me anyway.)

1 comment:

Ironygirl said...

I so need to do that. My blog is 4 years old also. I'm excited and dreading it at the same time. Glad you got yours done!