Thursday, September 29, 2011

I suck at french braids.

 I should clarify... I suck at french braiding a toddler's hair.  it is so fine.  and short.  And they move so much!
i really try.  this is the end result.  one side looks decent, and the other side goes in a pony tail because she won't stop moving and it always looks horrible.  i can't get her to sit still long enough!

So instead she gets to look like Cindy-loo-hoo or Pebble's from the flinstones.

  Having a boy is a lot less of a time commitment to get ready.  just throw in some gel and we are good to go!

or I can always go for the 'messy' look.  its the style right?  ech.  not on a 1 year old.  its way too thin to pull off...poor girl.  i hope i get better at fixing her hair cute soon!


Ashley said...

You can be like me and unless you go out of the house just let it be messy. Makell usually wont let me fix her hair unless we are leaving the house...

I can't believe how blond Peter is. I never really realized it before. I'm so excited to not have to do girls hair again. I'm excited for the spiky look!!

Kate said...

My Secret for my girls to stay still was getting them a little snack and putting on a movie or show for a few minutes while I did their hair. Now they like to stand on a stool in the bathroom and look at themselves in the mirror while I do their hair. Good luck!

Ironygirl said...

I haven't even attempted a french braid on Elena for the same reasons! I always thought I was ok at doing hair until I had a girl!